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About Us

What we are all about

​​Our Roots


Think. Reason. Question. Experiment. These are just a few of the skills and qualities that children will develop at Star Educare. We are founding our centre with the focus on supporting kids during all transitions throughout childhood.


All activities are being designed to adequately nurture the emotional and intellectual growth of our kids. Through stimulating situations and hands-on learning opportunities, young children will be free to develop into bright young minds. Reach out to learn more, and register your interest with us today!

Group Coloring

Our Vision


We view children as active explorers and learners. We support this by providing a stimulating, enjoyable, nurturing and safe environment. We provide quality Early Childhood programme that will empower them to learn with and alongside others by engaging in learning experiences that have meaning for them. Our kaiako will actively respond to the strengths, interests, abilities and needs of each child to foster their holistic development and learning.


Our vision is to work in partnership with parents with regards to their children’s learning and development, taking into consideration their aspirations for their children. We welcome every culture in our centre as we embrace the bicultural curriculum of New Zealand which is the Te Whariki.

Our Philosophy


We believe that children should be given an opportunity for active exploration and discoveries. Star Educare provides an opportunity for children to be creative and discover their own learning. We view children as a capable and competent individual, that we focused on providing a stimulating environment for children to explore, use their imagination and develop their communication skills. We believe that children develop confidence when they are supported in their exploration.


We incorporate in our practice the Principles and Strands of Te Whariki which supports children’s holistic development as a whole. We believe that children should be provided with a safe, nurturing environment for them to enjoy a meaningful learning experience.


We believe that every child is unique. We value their identity and well-being. Our curriculum respects the individual needs of each child. We also respect the child’s cultural identity and we welcome parents and whanau from a different culture. We encourage parent’s contribution and participation in sharing their values, beliefs and culture.


Children’s emotional development plays an essential part in their cognitive development that we promote social interaction and provide a nurturing relationship with them. We support them in every milestone of their development by reflecting on the deeper meaning of their learning as seen in their learning dispositions. We strive with our best practice to respond by making their learning visible to them and to their parents/whanau through rich documentation.

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